For those unable to attend this year’s Summit, please feel free to review the presentations, handouts and materials produced by the workshop presenters. If you choose to use any of these resources for your own presentations, please give credit to the presenters. If you would like to reach out to any of the presenters, email
September 17, 2016
Apex United Methodist Church
Apex, NC
Audio sermon, “Is This Really Yours?” by Rev. Alma Ruiz (in English):
March 21, 2106
First Presbyterian Church
Durham, NC
“When I first came to the US, I noticed signs for “open houses,” which I thought meant that Americans were very hospitable, opening their houses to anyone. I was surprised when a white woman crossed the street to avoid me while walking down the street, and when I visited a white church, I noticed that very few people approached or greeted me. I thought, how strange that even Christians were uncomfortable moving outside their own groups. [trans.]”