Month: November 2016

Advent Calendar to Support Immigrants and Refugees

Advent Calendar to Support Immigrants and Refugees

Today when I logged onto Facebook, among all the heartbreaking news in our world (some from credible sources, others questionable), I was taken with a graphic shared by Hacking Christianity, a blog that engages in conversations about faith using the lenses of progressive theology, technology, and geek 

Mourn, Pray, Serve, Organize

Mourn, Pray, Serve, Organize

Last week’s election has left a lot of people filled with anxiety and uncertainty, especially our brothers and sisters who immigrated here. Millions of people who have come here from other countries or whose families did so, often because they were fleeing violence and persecution, 

Dia de los Muertos: Honor for the Dead; Justice for the Living

Dia de los Muertos: Honor for the Dead; Justice for the Living

Article by: Aleta Payne, Deputy Executive Director

By Nina Voli, Duke Divinity School Intern Historically, the celebration of Halloween has its origins in the Celtic festival of Samhain, a pagan commemoration of the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, conceived as a season of death. Yet, despite these pagan roots,faithful Christians throughout history have taken this holiday into their own religious narrative, and given it a new name and meaning for the liturgical life of the Church, both Catholic and Protestant. For example, All Saints Day, on November 1, followed by All Souls…